Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hello. I long to write tonight, but I find that I am too tired to find words.

Ara is the only child up and American Idol holds her rapt attention. It is fun to see her develop interests and define herself in her not-quite-tween life.

Maya asked to go to bed early so she isn't so tired when she wakes up in the morning. Gotta love her thought process. She continually amazes me.

Talon has developed a bad habit of calling himself stupid and a bad boy. I know that it is a stage, a phase, a little boy exploration. But.... Oh, how I hate to hear him utter deplorable mind-sets against himself. I listen, I ask why he feels like that, I ignore and I say, "no, you are not a bad boy but sometimes the choices you make are bad. I try to do be the good mommy. But sometimes these kids challenge me to my core.

Cade was horrible tonight..... HORRIBLE. A terror, scream it from the roof top, carve it on my arm...... that kid was rotten. I told myself that he was punishing me for sending him to his first day ever at a day-care. That made me smile, as he was calm and happy when I picked him up and they told me he was great. He crawled on the table 30 times, he broke a glass that he climbed on a chair quick as lightening and grabbed, he cried if I wasn't holding him and then cried if I did,he spilled a half gallon of Lactaid all over the kitchen floor, brought it into the living room and spilled the rest on the carpet... in the time it took me to help Talon find a chapter on a DVD, he threw his sippy over and over, dumped his supper, unrolled the TP until I took it off the roll and put it up, he dumped the trash can, to name a few things. Normally, that child makes me laugh. He is endearing and cute as a button. When he is bratty I grin and LOVE it. But.... my word.... tonight he tested me. At one point I looked deep into his eyes and said," NO!" firmly. His eyes got all sappy and he laid on my shoulder and grabbed my neck with his fat baby arms. I know he was not deliberately being naughty.... However, I have never been so happy to see him go to bed. As we were doing goodnight kisses he kept saying, "MORE" and kissing me over and over.

Dishes are calling my name. The house needs it's nightly once over. Good-bye for now.

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