Wednesday, January 11, 2012


don't have time for them in my life. I don't have time to be one

wrangling with the logistics of starting my own business. I feel excited. Scared. Ready. Timid. Inadequate. Well Skilled.

It is a faith walk.

The trouble is:

Income :)

Going from a steady income to no expected income is hard.
The question,"is this wise?" reverberates through my brain.
Yes, Isaac has an income. But we are used to having mine, as well. This is the first time in our marriage where I do not have a specific means of income.

Freaked out a bit.

Trying to follow God. Trying to follow wisdom.

Where is the line between radical trust and logic?

Between His ways and our ways?

Between risk and protection?

Can I do this? That, perhaps, is the biggest question of all.

Do I have what it takes... really, really.... to make this a success?

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