Friday, June 21, 2013

The itch to travel

Do you ever feel deeply inspired by the world and the people in it? I think it is why I like to travel so much; to meet new people, experience activities out of my normal life.... I expand.  I feel that when I feel dry/ uncreative all I need to do is look up and see the world through others eyes.

My current inspirations:

1. I have a brother who is writing a zombie apocalypse book. So good. And not my normal reading material.

       * and a sister blogging from IRELAND for a college internship,

       * And a sister blogging about her life as a mom, a homeschool mom to boot.

2. I have a new acquaintance who is a professional crafter. I lurk on her facebook and blog. I am amazed by her brain.

3. I have a friend getting married for the first time, in her mid thirties. It is fun to see the world through her eyes right now.

4. I have a pre-teen, and an early teen ... both girls ('nuff said)

I haven't traveled in a bit over a year.... and I feel the itch again... the itch to breathe deeply of air I have never breathed before. To see sights I know will crawl inside my soul and never leave. To talk to strangers and, for a moment, see life through their eyes.

Maybe soon.
 (a girl can dream)

What inspires you?

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