Thursday, June 20, 2013

Self care - opinion piece - final chapter


This post is near and dear to my heart. For me one of the most VITAL parts of self care are the people I have in my inner circle. The ones who know my heart, I know theirs. The ones who call me out, call me up. The ones who know my ugly and love me even more for it. The ones who LOVE me, unconditionally.

I know, I know, it's rare to find people who LISTEN, who are deeply transparent, eternally encouraging,  tireless cheerleaders and bring meals just because.  But I have it. And I am ME because of it.  It is part of the way I take care of me... relationships.

Not all of my "inner circle" are on my side of the country.  Not all of my inner circle know my kids birthdays. Not all of them know my favorite color or food or follow me on pinterest. But I think they all know what my laugh sounds like. And my voice right before I cry.  I think they can all gauge my happiness by the look in my eyes.

They each fill differentt roles, essential roles in my life. And I am confident that I do the same in theirs. I crave time with them. And sometimes, when an SOS goes out, I drop EVERYTHING to be by their side.

In researching self care and identity, friendships were a suggestion that I found in only a few places. For me I believe it is in my top three! Absolutely. To be un-judged. Called out on BS. Not competed with. Celebrated. Hugged. Comfortable.

It is LIFE to my soul.

Each time I experience my people I walk away better. bigger. taller. stronger. Better looking :)

And I have a greater capacity to GIVE....

Which is the next seldom listed item on the self care list: Giving back.

To be full enough to give with out needing anything in return.... isn't that a beautiful thing? To give as we can, to those we can, in the way we can aids in keeping our feet firmly planted. Being in a position of servitude, humbly embracing another, sacrificially sharing our energy, our time, our resources makes the world a better place. In the process we find out who we are and what we are made of, we discover our depth and realize what empathy, compassion, love really truly are.

What relationships are in your life? If you desire more depth.. what are you doing about it?
Are you giving? Freely? Not out of obligation or because it is PC? Are you giving from the excess in your soul? When we can give, from the place of a full inner well, we will run over, streams of water to the world around us.

I wish you all a beautiful day! May your soul be refreshed, your life be fulfilled, and the corners of your eyes creased with smile lines!


  1. Ok, I have not had a chance to go through all of these entries given craziness in life right now... but I am very impressed you went through your soul and psyche and expressed what you found in written word.
    I am going to comment on other pieces of this series in hopes of a running dialog with you and potentially others, but BRAVO for you baby. I applaud!

  2. Yeah. Love you. Beautiful post. Thank-you for giving to me. Over and over again.

    1. And you to me! You know that your name is watermarked all over these words!

  3. So I read all the posts, they captured my eye because one, it's Angel, she always seems to have great advice, and two at this moment I am going through a little soul searching in my life. These definitely been enlightening and makes me look into myself and how everything comes together. I thank you.

    1. thanks, Dave. I would love to hear about your soul searching sometime..... that journey is always so hard, but so rewarding!
