Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Self care - opinion continued.4

 I write these posts from the journey of my soul.
From a harrowing path, steep inclines and dangerous declines, in my journey to understand what self care truly is. I had to change my attitude toward myself. I had to give myself permission to care. I had to allow myself to heal along the way. (and it hurts a bit.....ok....a lot) I have had to start small and take baby steps. I have realized that if I do not WORK HARD to care for myself than my selfish need to take increases. It is ugly. And tastes like red liquid sugar (yummy for a minute and sick for an hour after).

Which brings me to the next topics on self care: Care of our physical needs. My passion. My hobby. Topics so broad, I merely start the conversation...

Food Consumption: We cannot eat well without reaping the benefits. People who make excellent intake choices often make smarter choices in other aspects of their life. A pattern of un-compromise begins in the kitchen! I know, I know, it sounds cliche! But... sooo true. And sooooo hard. The variable smorgasbord surrounding us keeps us, often, from making consistent choices that aid in health from the inside out; body, mind and soul. Remember Templeton on Charlotte's Web? Do we not all know what we should and should not choose to ingest? Yet, we excuse it away somehow, and end up drunk with delectable flavors and salty nitrates. MMMMMM, diabetes and heart disease taste soooo good. 
Simple changes are often all it takes. And the benefits  are far from simple  - energy, heightened immune systems, stable emotions, clarity of thought..... ohhhhh so worth it. Diets are not the answer, we all know that. And yet... we yo-yo diet, cleanse incessantly, restrict ourselves for 30 days at a time. Constantly chasing....... Health? 
I firmly believe that gluttony is not a food issue, it is a self care issue (affecting more than our waistlines) We have a responsibility to our bodies and to our minds to fuel with high octane. Proper caloric and nutrient intake will result in healthy sized, internally clean bodies and healthy body image. Healthy body images = Acceptance of self. 

I enjoy exercise. A lot. It is no secret. I am not the strongest. The fastest. The most fit. My arm muscles are not immediately evident to the naked eye. But, it is my life blood. My cheap therapy. My happy place. I find that if I wane emotionally or physically it is because I have allowed life to rob me of my precious exercise. Exercise must be consistent, without consistency it reaps only minimal benefits. And pain. Often injuries. Additionally, exercise with out proper form is pointless. One can exercise for a year with out proper form and see no results. It is work to keep our posture in line, our abdomen tight, our posterior tucked in, our breathing regulated. We must push past our comfort into uncharted territories to reap the benefit of active physical expression. Exercise oxygenates the blood, the brain, and the soul. Research shows that people (not just women) feel more optimistic about the world as a whole when exercise is a part of their daily schedule. The benefits of disciplined exercise overflows into all parts of life.  MOVE!

I love sleep.  As a chronic insomniac for years, I imagined that my recovery was as good as sleep was gonna get. And then I got mono. And I experienced the most delicious sleep of my life. WOW. And the more I slept, the better I felt. I always thought sleep was overrated, kept me from doing what I loved, from being productive. Possibly even lazy. Now.... I am reformed. Sleep is essential. I feel all the corners of my brain, the edges of my thoughts. I rarely have a buzzy, cottony brain.  Sleep quotas are for a reason. Our body systems work better when we give them proper time to repair, rejuvenate, and REST. Try it. I dare YOU!

My conclusion?
Take care of yourself!
 I have found that our internal needs find a way to be met, 100% every time.  We have the choice if we are going to meet them healthily, or if we will let them snack and bite and whine and weep and yell and suck  - willy-nilly.


  1. I need a push in this area, and then I met my friends grandpa and at age 60 he started running and trained for a marathon. That crushed my age excuse.

  2. I wish I had a like button for comments! That is great!
