Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I am a pusher, a fighter, a brute.
I am not one of those surface thinkers.
I push myself
I push my clients
I think doing a 100 pushups is a good start to the day.

I embrace the painful part of life... because, to me, that is where the progress lies.

I know I am intense
I used to cringe at myself.
Feel bad that people had to experience me.

Now it makes me grin.

 I am a coach to the core.
You know the saying... those who can't  - teach.... I like to modify it... those who can't  - Coach.
Everyone needs one person in their life who pushes them to the pain... and is there to celebrate on the other side.
That is what I am. A person you love to hate and hate that you love.

And because I am A type -A, a high D, a lion.... wherever categorically you want to place me...  Eventually, you will hear the God honest truth from me....  My perspective, of course. I cannot seem to help myself.

I like to think I push people out of their comfort zones and expose their greatness. HAH.

Lately I have been facing myself. (As women I think we always either run from or turn towards ourselves.) I do not necessarily like all that I am seeing. At ALL.

Conquering myself has long been my quest.

I realized that I will always be strong, always be, uh, enthusiastic, always push. But I am learning to rest in that. And to recognize that what used to be "fight" is now peace.

And with that I no longer have the desire to conquer myself... but to embrace.

The more I understand, the more I realize that I who I am. Who I am becoming is a natural progress. I embrace me. And by embracing me in all my ick I have an infinite ability to change and be changed.

While I can acknowledge that I am flawed, so frighteningly and obviously flawed, I can smile and realize that the freedom that comes with admitting that can not be exchanged.

And so today, I coach myself.
"you can do it."
"Don't stop."
"You are doing great."
But. most importantly I remind myself to keep my posture straight and my feet firmly planted.