Wednesday, June 12, 2013

An opinion piece

Opinion piece:

I don't think that life is for our pleasure. Or our leisure.
So much of our reading material is self help. Self improvement. Increase. Plenty. Success.
We spend hours chasing our own dreams. Our our own happiness. Or trying to figure out how to.
We want to feel good. Secure.
We want great stories. We want our past, our future to be full of good feelings, memorable tangibles.
Often our thought of others is AFTER we have been appeased. We find it outrageous to actually, actively step into others shoes.
Think about conflict. Volunteering. Giving. Visiting and being visited. About travel and why we travel.

Don't misunderstand. I am all about beauty. Living. Living fully. Enjoying. Being IN the moment. But Life must be a balance. A careful treading of knowing where we stop and others begin.

In my work right now I am constantly reminding my clients to take care of themselves. Absolutely. It is an essential element to business ownership.
Maturely taking care ourselves is a commodity. I am convinced.
Guilt is a common emotion expressed in the matter of self care. Self preservation becomes the interpretation.
Recently, as I contemplate our societal quest for pleasure, I am amazed at what I see. When we do not adequately take care of me, we cannot adequately give. Or receive.
We end up taking from others. Focusing on ourselves. Draining life.

I believe that our happiness, for that is the quest, after all, is only achieved when we can properly take care of ourselves while thinking primarily of others. When happiness ceases to be the focus.... only then will we experience it.

The question posed: How do we properly care for ourselves? How do we bypass selfishness? How do we contribute to life?

I have a few thoughts.

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