Tuesday, September 25, 2012


This post has been brewing in my psyche for as long as I can remember.

Slowly evolving.

Read on.
You will see why time has brought me here.

I think I finally have the words.  Or....
the words have me; literally begging to be released.

Women have POWER

We get what we want. One way or another.
We always do.
Count the ways.

Think about the areas where you have power. Where you take it. Where you make your move.

You may think you don't agree with me
The corners of your brain are smirking and you are thinking of the ways that you are woman....
the many, many ways THAT YOU ARE WOMAN.

You know that I speak the truth.

Even if we don't admit it, we know that we could rule the world. Secretly. Deliciously. You have always known the power in you. Glimpses leave you winded. Passionate. Alive. Not knowing what to do or where to go with what we know, we choose to turn away.  Silently, intricately, accidentally we weave it into the fabric of our existence.We cannot escape it.

As women we know people. All people. We know men. We know women, we know children, we know strangers. And, we know them well. And we know what we have to do almost every time.
Frequently our cognizant thought subdues our subconscious knowledge of what would REALLY work in our favor.  We call it training. Protocol. Political correctness. Manners.
But one way or another we find a way to fashion our world to meet our needs.

I know I'm being vulnerable. I am split between amusement and fear. I have deduced that the risk is worth the reward.

I do not act alone. Of this I am sure.

See, I have watched you, species of mine, for years. I see the secrets, the masks, I see the ruby red and the bright yellow. I see the flicks of emotion that pass through your eyes and the posturing of untold greatness. Look, lips in a pout and the shrill angry screams (many have been mine) I see you! Taste the tears and taste revenge. Feel the chill of shoulder turned, the warmth of an embrace. Sleepless night of the soul. Tizzy fits. Feigned innocence. Masterful manipulation. Sharing stories. Gasping. Laughing. Eye-rolls and tattles. Flowers, Beach trips. Shopping. Unending love. Late nights. Sheet tumbles. Clean house. Good food. Wine (maybe whiskey). Boo-Boo kisses. Romance novels. Watching clouds.
I hear the whisper and I like the loud.
I watch the folding in and leaning out. 
Safe. Soft.
Controlling waif.
Soft pillows hearts and daggers of the same.
Wild and crazy, pretending we're tame.
 Diets, trending, gold and blonde,
 introvert, extrovert, here and beyond.
Everywhere I go I see you move. I see you smile and I see you groove....

I have begun to rhyme. Time to stop.
Hate poems. Don't have the time.

Over years we fine tune our craft. Beginning at the breast, we realize, fully, on the playground that there is power in a group and we quickly learn our place and where we fit. And then we begin to fashion our life.

It is.

The power of Eve.

Made from a man. From a rib in his side. Given intuition and tolerance to pain, doubled. Our heart as a cage to our passion and pain. Our eyes the window that we carefully glaze.

This power, undefined.
Groomed to fear it, we subdue it.
We act like we don't hide.
Not I. NO. Never.
But you do. We do.
It's what we are told.
To silently fear it.

But it leaks out. And it leaves a trail of blood. Yours. Mine. Others. Power undefined, power unrecognized is still power. And hidden power is the most dangerous kind.

Why worry about who I think you are. Or what you think of me. Why worry that what is in you is greater than in me.

All we are doing is hindering the strength of our influence. 
And filling the world with the very thing we fear. Manikins. Perfect replicas of pretend.

 I mean not to prick.
But to celebrate Life.

With much power comes much responsibility.

And now is the time.

Rise up, maidens, admit you're complex.

I beg you....

Let's throw off our need to maintain our place in the crowd. Stop fearing our power.
Can we just slide into the comfort of the knowledge of self....The knowledge that we were created, inherit wealth?

It is what I teach my girls, my daughters, my jewels.
I want their light to shine. Forever. Never do I want them to feel the need to hide. They are too real. Too fresh. Too mine. They are woman. And I take that very seriously.

So I am teaching my feminine young to recognize their power. To use what they possess for the greater good and not their own. Conditioned from the womb that their only face is their honest one. The one they can own. I want them excited by the light in their eye and unafraid of the beacon in yours.

When they can sigh in satisfaction that today they were everything that they were created to be... sleep with ownership of their actions and choose freely where to use their energy, their precious, diamond studded energy... then I will have done my job as a mother. As a woman. I will have placed my fingerprint on the next generation.

Acknowledging our power will reduce our unrest.
Channeling our power will increase its might.
Our signature virtue, equal to none.
Let's reveal the face of our yearning, accept what will come.

Will you join with me?

Will you take two fistfuls of your hidden and show it to the world?
Will you stop trying to be what you want to be? Will be who you are?

Can you allow your vibrant to dull and your wrinkles to show? Will you eat with your fingers?
Can you bow in subjection? (Confident in your station)
Will you realize that your sparkle is already inside? I see it.

Will you teach the next generation to raise their hands and voice? Can we teach them that they may make a difference, but they don't have to? Can we show them that influence knows when its time has come? Can we let them feel the beauty of pain? The wisdom of failure? Can we give them the keys to their soul by unlocking our own?

If we do that.....
We will have won.

And the power of woman will be realized.


  1. Angel,
    Yes!!! I am with you lady, I hear you, I understand. I am grabbing my two fistfuls... I am!
    Thank you for your words, tumbling, healing, passionate and courageous. They roll through my mind grasping onto my own thoughts which have never found the words.

    I have felt what you write about. I see it everyday. Some days I love it... most I don't know what to do with it.

    I love your quest to use our influence to bring wisdom, courage, encouragement and healing!

    love love!

    1. I know...don't know what to do with it. I think we have been taught (not with words but by way of life) that this 'power' is bad. And maybe most times it is used selfishly...so we have learned to think it is bad. And the only option then is to squelch it. Huh...let's embrace it!

  2. Claudia, the 12th will be good! I cannot wait to experience your fistfuls.

  3. Eeeeeh. Truth. Whether we know it or not. Recognize it or not. Admit it or not....it is there.

  4. Char, the more I admit it, the more I recognize and the more i want to embrace it. Purify it.
