Saturday, January 26, 2013


It is said that your physical DNA can be altered by your sexual partners. It was a huge abstinence push a few years back. I have had a poster for a long time visually detailing the multiplication of partners and the ensuing projected DNA change. The poster impacted me.  For a reason different than intended.....

 I believe that the same changes reflected above can occur in our emotional and spiritual DNA by those around us....both positive and negative. God is a God of order, of rules, of system. Relationships are powerful. Whether close or distant, acquaintance or a brief meeting, the level of impact is varied and based largely on the power in the interaction. The research and data represented in the chart intrigued me beyond the oddity of the facts.

Once we have experienced something or someone we can not  rewind time. It cannot be denied that there is no going back.We are changed. Forever.  As I have stated in a recent blog post, I am a sum of my parts.... intertwined in my future is my past and my present.

 That hugely disturbing poster has been a catalyst to intentionality in my life.  A reminder, not of sexual effectiveness, for I have been married to my first boyfriend for 13 years, have four children and frankly would not have the time for experimentation, but as a reminder of human interaction. My psychological DNA is entwined with the DNA of my relationships, effected also by the relationships I and they have had before. My chart is both deep and wide.

Grateful reflections on those I have had the ability to come in contact with continue to enhance my daily life, however brief, exceedingly defining.

I have been sitting on this post for weeks, fine-tuning it, trying to get the wording just right. But, I realize that there are no words to adequately describe the bond between humans. Our connections are illustrious, elusive impressions that logic cannot contain.  While some interactions are clear pinnacles, acknowledging the repercussion of a relationship is not always a cognitive choice. Imperceptible modifications combine to create an invisible revolution.

For some reason when I blog I want to call to the reader to action  - as if I have a large following of loyal readers, which I do not.  I want to beckon you to reflect on your people. Not just those in your inner circle. What DNA are you leaving with them? How many people are in your space? Are you leaving a lasting impact or holding back? Are you affecting forward or will you need to be buffed from the edges of peoples soul? I ask out loud here, because I ask myself those questions. And I guess I want to dialogue about it. I want to hear thoughts and perspectives. I want to know what changed YOU, and what you are doing do enhance your world.  Because as you share with me what you have experienced, who you are... than I grow, adjust, evolve....

So if you are reading.... the dozen or so of you who do.... if you want to describe the impact relationships have had IN you... please do.

And if you are just lurking.......



  1. Honestly, (and this is something you are somewhat aware of) I have this problem of trying to not affect those i interact with too much. Not to rub off too to use your words, holding back. It's not an issue with them, but with me. Any unhappiness I have with myself creates a barrier that should not be there. It's not present all the time, but more than it should be.

    I would hope that I affect those i interact with positively. I know I do to a certain degree.

    On the flip side, I have several relationships that have affected me positively to an enormous degree. And.....some negative.

    These are initial responses to your question in a public forum.

    1. You affect everyone positively. Everyone. Even when you hold back. You are one of those people that seamlessly and with out effort spurs others forward.

  2. Aaaah, so much to say. I want to have a conversation with you on this.:) I am who I am because of those around me. I do hold back. Know I do. I want to stop doing that. I have people in my space...but most only see part of me. Holding back for unhealthy reasons creates damage. Been thinking about this a lot lately. I want to touch, see, hear those around me. Let them in. And yep, I have a few dear relationships that have called me to life and I am who I am today because they did not hold back their heart from me. :)

  3. We need to schedule a long day SOOON and just talk the day away. I think we both have so much going n in our hearts and minds!
