Sunday, June 16, 2013

On self care - opinion continued.2

This self care series of posts was originally one long prose. My husband read it and nicely told me that it may be more palatable if it was broken up into smaller segments. I smiled -  Gleeful for the feedback, wry because, of course, that it what I would have recommended another to do.

In this post I will discuss Time Alone, Reflection, Meditation. All three I believe are very closely related and often hold hands in the process of self care. For me, rarely do I have one without the other, and one most certainly enhances the other.

Often we take time alone when we are in DESPERATE need of it. Why do we wait so long? Wouldn't it be incredible to know that you have time alone SCHEDULED into your life? Time that is for a hobby. Or reading. Or hiking. Or just BEING. If we spend time with ourselves, take time to find out who we are, we have a greater capacity to embrace life. I have had time scheduled into my life for the last 10 years for weekly ME time. It has now increased to daily time. With larger chunks scheduled at routine other times; weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly. I cannot imagine my life without it. I have become more aware of me. I have grown. Insecurities have faded away. Healing has transpired. I found my voice. And I treasure the fact that I have so many more years to discover and grow.  At first I struggled with guilt, felt like I was being selfish. But I have realized that I respond better to life and am actually, supremely less selfish as a whole when I am centered. I do a variety of activities during my alone time. I know myself now and am aware of what I need to fuel. I continue to enjoy myself more with each passing year. And I find that my life reaps the benefit.... I am a better mother, wife, friend, associate, volunteer. I used myself as the primary example, as this particular element was very difficult for me to embrace. I didn't like me, long ago, and the prospect of spending time alone with myself was daunting. Hearing my own thoughts. Facing my under-belly. I would rather have done anything... ANYTHING! Now I crave it!
 Do you value alone time? Do you find it stimulating to your soul/spirit?  Do you grow without it?

In the world I grew up in meditation was not encouraged. It was actually feared. Some new age mumbo-jumbo, it was. OR.... it  was  discussed as a means to seek a specific answer to a specific life dilemma, from a point of despair.  We have no where else to turn, so we grab an inspiring phrase, a poem, a verse, a decision and we voraciously dissect it as we try to change our mental circumstance and seek an answer. Not real sure that is the actual purpose of  meditation. But, it's a start, I suppose.
Meditation IS a time to quietly clear our minds, our soul, and our spirit to allow the words, phrase, verse of choice begin to become part of us. This can only happens if we can let go. Get beyond our thoughts. To the place where thoughts originate. It is a practice. Training. Awareness of thought patterns, of focus. Some people  confuse prayer with meditation. To me prayer is a completely different subject.  Most assuredly, meditation is not prayer, but can sometimes be combined with prayer.  Mediation IS a spiritual experience. Communion.
When we spend time meditating we reach outside ourselves and connect with bigger form, stronger energy.
Do you meditate? Why or why not? Do you feel like your thoughts are under control?

IS enhanced by meditation and is often the resulting evidence of a habit of a meditative lifestyle.
Reflection is a time to ponder where we have been, where we are going, who we have in our circle, how big this incredible world actually is. In our world today, we notice the big puffy clouds in the pristine blue sky, we sigh and breathe it in for a nano-second.. and then we are on our way. Take a bit more time for reflection in your life and see how your perspective shifts, your gratefulness grows.  Personally, I realize how deliciously small I am in this BIG world. Makes me feel safe. What do you reflect on? IS nature an important instrument to reflection for you?

I would love to dialogue about these subjects. I write, briefly, on broad subjects hoping to stimulate expanded thought, even disagreement, as I value human reasoning and it's variances.  If you are so inclined... please feel free to leave a comment.


  1. Time alone is how I am re-energized. It's in the quiet of those times that reflection happens and calms me and reminds me of Gods faithfulness .

    1. I agree, Rosanne! Do you find it hard to make it a consistent habit? It is for me, unless I intentionally put it in my schedule.

    2. During school, no problem but during summer it's a challenge but worth not sleeping in for that time.
